The global situation regarding the pandemic is still uncertain and at the present time we simply will not place our staff, clients and contacts at risk by returning to the office or in-person meetings except where absolutely necessary. For instance, our attendance rota for key Operations staff will remain in effect.
We will continue to be guided by Governmental, Federal or State directives in each of our global locations, and will review our procedures in December.
However, I envisage that the switch to hybrid (office/remote) working will be permanent. Valuable in-person meetings – such as client service reviews – will naturally recommence when it is safe to do so.
Thanks to our cloud operating model and incredible adaptability of our staff, we have excelled throughout the pandemic, delivering record processing levels, maintaining client service virtually and progressing our exciting digital transformation initiative.
As ever, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all of our staff, clients and industry partners for your continued support – and I wish you all a safe, happy and healthy summer ahead.